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In 1974, Jane Stern Zagaria, mom of 3 and resident of Dorado, could not find a library to borrow a book. Jane had grown up in an immigrant Italian family depending on her local library to complete her education. Because she loved people and valued education, Jane led an initiative with neighbors and friends to create a unique community lending library that would be a safe place for all, bringing together:

  • Boricuas and residents from all over the world

  • Babies, toddlers, school age kids, adults and elders

  • Citizens seeking resources and with resources to share

  • Community members seeking opportunities and opening pathways to provide them

  • Citizens, government and the business sector


The municipality of Dorado is a committed partner, housing JSDCL’s main branch in 8,125 sq. ft. of Dorado’s Luis Muñoz Marin municipal government building. Local businesses have sponsored JSDCL over many decades. The Legislature of Puerto Rico and the Department of Education partner to create our Satellite Library Program in 5 municipalities, bringing lending libraries to underserved children.


JSDCL has been recognized with local and national awards as an outstanding learning center, unique for the breadth and depth of services provided by skilled staff and teachers in its meeting rooms, play areas, computer labs and Satellites. Connection via reliable internet to JSDCL’s digital resources increases access beyond our walls!


Today, JSDCL seeks to connect globally with students, readers, authors, musicians, dancers, nature-lovers, coders, art makers, teachers, social media scribes, STEM Lego builders, computer wizards…yoga, martial arts and ballet enthusiasts!

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